Blogfolio Final Reflection

As I look back at the things I have learned in IT465, the one thing I know is that I still have more to learn! It is hard for me to narrow down what was the one thing I learned the most about. I would say that having patience and just lImage result for images of technology in the classroometting go of the fact that there were somethings I just couldn’t fix (like the problem with the google group assignment), also I think just trial and error with things that I wasn’t quite sure of.


I would like to say I have some strong points when it comes to using technology, but I feel that somehow they are buried below my weaknesses! I feel that I am good with computers and if i try hard enough, I can usually (not always) fix most problems I encounter. I also love to learn new projects so I can say this was a fun class to be in, although it was hard. My weaknesses would be that I get discouraged easily and I wanted to quit like a million times! There were so many times I just sat at my computer and cried because I just couldn’t figure out how to fix a problem I had, but I just calmed down and stuck to it and before long I usually had it fixed.


This class was mostly doing it on our own, so I really enjoyed doing this blog. It really helped me see that I wasn’t the only one having trouble or struggling and I could email my peers with any questions I had. We had a few live chats and that really helped us get to know Dr. Wang. She is always just an email away with any help we might need.


The communication tools I used the most in this class would be email and this blog. I would email my group members anytime I had any questions. It was also helpful to read each others blogs and respond in helpful ways.

My experience with blogfolio was zero before I started this class. I have learned so much in doing this blog. First I didn’t even know how to blog, second, I didn’t even know this site exsisted. After navigating my way through the site, I found it very user friendly and have enjoyed it very much.


Assistive Technology

This was a very eye opening assignment for me. When I first opened up the folder, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but once I got started I really saw just how much I didn’t know about assistive technology. I never even know those functions were in the control panel. I only encountered one problem when doing the assignment, I found out by trial and error that I could not use Google Chrome to do the slide where you had to turn on high contrast. I struggled with this for a good hour before I finally decided to try it through Internet Explorer. After that I was back on track and got finished with no problems. I would hope to be able to use these things I have learned doing this assignment in my own class someday.

Asstive Tech Jennifer Devries


Checking for Plagiarism

On completing this weeks assignment, I can say I didn’t know these kind of site existed! I guess in my naive way I just assumed teachers used some kind of magic to check for plagiarism!!! NOT REALLY, but I had never heard of turnitin before. This was a fairly simple assignment but I found it quite hard to cut and paste and not worry about the flow and line up of paragraphs. I can honestly say I have never cut and pasted on a paper before, I am quite good at making sure I quote my sources so this part was hard. I did encounter problem at the end when I couldn’t figure out how to get the last page with the percent but after playing around a little I got it. I was impressed with this assignment and would like to check my papers with it in the future just to make sure I am doing alright.

Version II


Strategies for Integrating Technology into Physical Education and Technology in The Special Education Classroom

Todays Physical Education class looks drastically different from one just 10 years ago. With new websites popping up everyday, it is impossible not to see kids being active with technology. In the district I work in, we are encouraged to use, a website that has short physical activities to be used in any classroom setting. Physical Education teachers can use sites like and to create lessons for grade level physical education and learning. Technology can also be useful in Phys Ed class to help teach students about obesity and body mass. There really isn’t a reason not to integrate technology into the Phys Ed class.

Technology in the Special Education Classroom is a way for teachers to communicate with students, teach them, and assess how they are learning. My son is in a special ed classroom and he uses technology constantly. Whether he is taking a test, playing a game on, or doing morning calendar, he is using technology all the time. There are other forms of technology being used other than computers, students with disabilities use text to speak devices, ipads, and apps designed to meet the needs of all types of disabilities.

Web Site Creator

This weeks assignment was a lot of fun! As always, I was scared to get started but once I did it wasn’t nearly as hard as I expected. I had to search a little to find out how to get started since the tutorial on blackboard it a little outdated but it wasn’t hard to find out where to go. Once I got into google sites, it was smooth sailing. I did have to play around a little to figure out the footer and banner but I think I did okay. Overall this was an enjoyable experience and would definitely use it in my future classroom.


Web-Based Curriculum

After reading chapter 8, I can say I did not realize how many web-based lesson plans there are out there to choose from. As teachers, we should be incorporating technology in our classrooms as much as possible and making it fun. Using the web for tutorials on lessons, showing videos about a topic, and having students use the web for research are just a few ways to incorporate web-based lessons into the curriculum. I can see now that all the projects we have done have been to prepare us for using technology in our own classrooms someday.


Web Tools at a Glance

When I sat down and opened the tutorials on this weeks assignment, I was a little intimidated. I did not have  great experience with the whole google group assignment, and I just knew this would be  just as hard. Boy was I surprised! I really enjoyed doing this one. I have only created one rubric in my student career so I did have to look at a few online to get a feel of how I wanted mine to look. I really enjoyed using rubistar and I would recomend it to anyone looking to create an easy rubric. The next step was creating the test using the easytestmaker. This was the only area I had trouble with, and even then it only took me a few minutes to figure out my mistakes and fix them. I had no idea that a test could be made that quick and painless! The trackstar sight  was the last thing I did and I still am not sure I did it correctly! I did input all the websites I needed for my lesson, but I felt like mine didn’t look quite like the example in blackboard. Overall I enjoyed this assignment and am pleased with my work.

The Five Senses Test

The Fives Senses Answer Key


Trackstar URL

Internet in the Classroom

Today’s students have a far different experience in the classroom than those students just 10-20 years ago. The internet plays a big role in helping teachers with getting information into the classrooms and to the students in a way that is significantly different than before. Email is also a great tool for teachers to keep parents informed of what is going on in the classroom. In my class, my teacher uses Remind101 to keep parents informed and just incase she forgot to send a note home, she just sends a text message out to the group and it is done just like that! As a parent, I use the app with my children’s teachers and love it. Another great use of technology in the classroom is distance learning. As a student, I would be lost with out this capability. Because I work fulltime in the classroom, distance learning grants me the ability to still be a fulltime student while gaining the neccessary experience I need in the classroom. Students who can’t get into the classroom for what ever reason also benefit from distance learning. Teachers can use web cameras to pre-record or have live chat lessons through the internet without ever coming face-to-face with their students. In such a technological era, I can’t imagine going even a day without the internet!

My Google group project

I have to say that this assignment really made me realize that I am not as “tech savy” as I thought I was! The overall project was easy and Google+ really is a great tool, it was just understanding how to navigate it all. I have a great working group and we all stuck in there and got the job done. The problem I encountered as group manager was trying to figure out how to make our group public. I am still not even sure I got it right! Thank you Laura for not letting me go too crazy and walking me through it step by step. This was a great learning experience for me as a teacher. I hope to use all the tools I have learned about in my own classroom in the future.

Google Group!myforums

Google presentation

Google document

Google survey

Google spreadsheet

Group email

Hypermedia Technology and The Digital Storybook

Multimedia and Hypermedia are two terms that converged over time. They both are terms used for multiple types of media that include software, interactive systems, audio/video editing systems, tutorials, games, etc. Technology has evolved through the years and today’s hypermedia technology reflects that evolution. The digital storybook assignment is a perfect example of hypermedia. The windows movie maker I used allows you to add pictures, video, and audio to create a type of slide show that others can view. I encountered many problems along the way, but overall I enjoyed making my story. My movie maker didn’t look anything like Dr. Wang’s did so I did a little research and found that it was the same thing, mine was just a more updated version. I was able to easily get my pictures uploaded and change the way they looked, but I had trouble getting the narration to go over the music. In the end, although my pictures weren’t quite the size I would have liked, and my narration wasn’t quite long enough, I was pleased with my story and would like to do this in my classroom.

Digital Story